Step 1: Collect a Loyalty card from your participating Woodcroft Veterinary Group Practice. Look out for the symbol on our stockist finder.
Step 2: Register your card to ensure that you are able to unlock the full benefits of being a member; Manage your account and view your transactions and keep your details up to date so that we can email your free product vouchers to you.
Step 3: Show your Woodcroft loyalty card each time you shop for your pet food
Step 4: Once you have made 6 qualifying purchases*, you will be sent an email with your voucher for your free product (buy six and get seventh free). *You must have a fully registered profile in order for your voucher to be emailed to you. The process is recurring and you will receive a free product voucher after every 6 purchases.
Step 5: Keep in touch! Complete your profile, keep it up to date, add your pets and subscribe to our newsletters to be the first to hear from ROYAL CANIN® and Woodcroft.
* Terms and conditions of the ROYAL CANIN® Loyalty Programme apply. Use of a Loyalty card means that you are happy with the terms and conditions and privacy policy. The ROYAL CANIN® Loyalty Programme only applies to participating practices.